Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our first taste of the Wet Tropics of Queensland

We took a 2,5h flight from Brisbane to Cairns and this is when it hit us .... wow this place is huge!!! On the map this route is just a tiny bit of Australia and yet the distance between these two towns is like from London to Krakow in Poland!!! The minute we exited the plane we knew we were in a different and more tropical climate- it was hot and humid. The Wet Tropics World Heritage Area lies between Townsville and Cooktown on the north-east coast of Queensland and covers an area of 894k hectares. This is where the rainforest meets the ocean and this is the place we read about so much that it has built this incredible excitment in us to see it;-). We had 4 days planned to go around when driving the campervan.

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