Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Volterra, the Etruscan city seen in Twilight

Volterra is a city in Tuscany, Italy. It is the ancient Italian city where the Volturi reside. It is a very beautiful place,on top of a hill that overlooks the surrounding landscape. It is known as the safest place in the world from the attacks of vampires. The Volturi, in fact, did not allow any type of hunting in the city, because that could expose them. On the way to Volterra, Alice tells Bella that they (Volturi) put the “food” from the outside, sometimes far away. From Twlight Wiki, the encyclopaedia on the saga, which has just come out in the halls, the last part, Breaking Dawn – Part 2.

Cartoline in Volterra, Toscana
Cartoline in Volterra, Toscana


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